"A blog, you'll need a blog"
Get twitter they say, behance, tumblr and instagram, a Facebook page, Linkd in of course, and a blog, you'll need a blog. So many platforms, so little time!! It's all a tad overwhelming and a lot time consuming, especially when you factor in the actual art making, creating bit...But as I was showering the other morning I thought, a blog, yes a blog would be good. I'm on a mission and I thought maybe tracking that mission would be a beneficial pursuit. About a year ago I graduated and the Universe bestowed upon me a pretty sweet children's book illustration job almost straight away. With a couple other graphic design jobs and a few commissions and my nannying I had my hands full. Then the book wrapped up and I moved back to Canada to get this freelance thing rolling. Just how to get that ball rolling was question number one and the answer that came to me after some contemplation was editorial illustration. I love magazines. Particularly I love magazines with worthwhile, relevant articles, beautiful photography and layouts and of course, clever and cool illustrations. We dabbled in editorial illustration in college, (see the New Yorker cover below), but not enough to start contacting art directors for jobs. Hence fourth my plan for the next little while is to work on a collection of editorial illustrations, (finding interesting articles, rendering artwork and laying it out into mock up magazine spreads.) I think this blog will help keep me motivated and on track. If it helps with exposure or getting work or maybe to serve as inspiration for anyone else this may reach, well then that would be a real bonus!!
Some of my favourites//
First attempt at Editorial illustration for an article about the car boom in China//