Custom Portraits
For a personal and unique gift for someone special (or treat your self)!
Custom illustrations are $315 for a4 or 8x8 inch and includes:
At least two people, a pet and a background of your choice OR a custom floral wreath with plain background. Additional people $10 each, additional animals $5 each. A custom wreath as well as a custom background will be $375
A digital high res file of the artwork
The artwork professionally printed and delivered to your door
Template Portraits
For a more economical option, choose a template and background colour and send me pictures of who you would like in the portrait. I will get back to you with a rough draft before doing the final portrait and dropping it into the template.
Template portraits start at $200 for a4 or 8x8 inch fine art quality print, delivered to your door!
This price includes at least two people and a pet. Additional people $10 each, additional animals $5 each.
For a simple custom background in the circle such as the beach scenes shown below it will be an extra $75