Abstract Painting Party!
“It doesn’t matter how much art experience we have, not at all. We might think that we have no talent and that, too, doesn’t matter. The thought doesn’t matter, nor does so-called talent. We can all draw (and paint). It doesn’t matter if we have done it for years or not at all. It doesn’t matter if we dream of doing something wondrous and don’t know how; the wondrous will come meet our desire if we honour it and keep working with an open mind. Nor does it matter if our heart is racing - this is a new kind of practice, a new way of drawing and being. New ventures often cause discomfort. It will pass, as a stomach complaint passes. This kind of discomfort is nothing compared to the unending misery we feel when we deny what calls to us. So what if we feel a little anxious? We can tolerate a little anxiety; it’s not so bad. We don’t need to run away; if we do, the yearning will just chase after us? it’s like that. besides, we won’t feel anxious for long, not once we get going. it doesn’t matter if we know fully what our purpose is; we’ll find it. it doesn’t matter if we don’t really want to be artists; we’ll be artists of life. It doesn’t matter if the Museum of Modern Art isn’t knocking on our door; we will carry on in the direction of our desire. We can start just where we are - with a blank piece of paper, a pencil, and a mind open to all possibilities.” -Cat Bennett from The Confident Creative, Drawing to Free the Hand and Mind.
Work desk turned into the epic spread table!
Being creative makes you hungry, and thirsty!!
Some good looking snacks!
Champaign on arrival!
A little colour theory, "I made these 64 colours out of just the three primaries and white which is pretty bad ass"
"So this is standard painting"
Loading up the palettes!
And we're off!! Started with making marks and experimenting with the different mediums and tools on drawing paper.
Painting with freedom!
The naughty student getting paint splatters on everyone
Playful art brings out the smiles!
Some awesome patterns happening!
Everyone was pretty happy!
Cutie having a little break for a cuppa
Love this shot of the beautiful mess
Worked our way up to canvases once everyone was more confident with what they were doing
And everyone is pretty much professional artists now...so, I guess my work is done here!
Always good to take a step back and look at your artwork from a new perspective ;)
BAM! Nailed it.
LOVE the textures, colours and criss crossing shapes in this.
Lovely co,ours inspired by wattle.
THANK YOU to everyone who came to the first adult art workshop!! I had the BEST time and I hope you did too! I will be sitting down to plan the next few months worth of workshops this week so stay tuned for more!!
" The simple practice of making marks catapults us instantaneously into total presence, oneness with the moment. It's this place of peace and happiness" -Cat Bennett